Yellow Card for Crooked Feed

Simon Thomas

Referees in England
Staff member
Dec 3, 2003
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That is true, I will be straight onto the panel :wow: in your dreams, everyone goes thru Group to Panel (sometimes pretty quickly it has to be said, blink and they have gone !

Long undershorts only in winter ;) northern nancy

yellow boots not white so that is ok. I refer you to my previous answer, and claim corraborative evidence

Saying that the new hoops to jump through for the North Group I doubt anyone will get on.
has Mr Renton upped the criteria again ?

genuinely good luck, set the target and go for it - strange things happen, and opportunities can open up


Referees in England
Oct 26, 2008
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has Mr Renton upped the criteria again ?

genuinely good luck, set the target and go for it - strange things happen, and opportunities can open up

I hope you dont give me a mouthy shandy drinking moaning team like London did. (Captains, London refs usually let us get away with it :wow: )

Well I missed out on 6 by one assessment at the end of the season, but should be given an assessment very early next season to get me and then push for 5. The only obstacle will be a trip to Afghanistan in Jan :(

Apparently there was talk of needing 8 assessments all at level 6 and they all must be within 2 months!!! (I am no expert but there is not even that many league games).

Next year, I am just going to enjoy the games I get, work hard, and what will be will be.

Simon Thomas

Referees in England
Staff member
Dec 3, 2003
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I hope you dont give me a mouthy shandy drinking moaning team like London did. (Captains, London refs usually let us get away with it :wow: ) ha ha ha - hardly not at Coney Hill, Brigwater, Weston, Barnstable etc ! but maybe Chinnor, Oxford and Maidenhead ! And of course Newbury too now :Nerv:

Well I missed out on 6 by one assessment at the end of the season, tough one, bad luck but should be given an assessment very early next season to get me and then push for 5. The only obstacle will be a trip to Afghanistan in Jan :( not affected others in CS - sad to see Roddy step down btw - great bloke - major-general piss up at Army Society dinner a couple of weeks ago

Apparently there was talk of needing 8 assessments all at level 6 correct for all four Groups and they all must be within 2 months!!! not heard that one (I am no expert but there is not even that many league games). but even if you do and get 8 Goods you may still not get to Group - it is very competitive and few spaces are available - it is a number's game. Next year, I am just going to enjoy the games I get, work hard, and what will be will be. go for it [/QUOTE]


Referees in England
May 5, 2011
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Current Referee grade:
Level 9
going back to the original question, are you guys saying that feeding in the scrum is acceptable?
Amazing really, everyone hates uncontested scrums when the side with the put in has to win the ball, but a little crooked feed in a contested scrum is ok!?
If you've been training hard on your scrummaging all week, then on saturday the ref allows your opponents to feed, I think you'd be a bit irked.
Don't see a problem with the YC.
Bet they didn't feed again in the game.


Referees in England
Aug 15, 2006
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going back to the original question, are you guys saying that feeding in the scrum is acceptable?
Amazing really, everyone hates uncontested scrums when the side with the put in has to win the ball, but a little crooked feed in a contested scrum is ok!?
If you've been training hard on your scrummaging all week, then on saturday the ref allows your opponents to feed, I think you'd be a bit irked.
Don't see a problem with the YC.
Bet they didn't feed again in the game.
I don't think anyone here is advocating leniency over scrum feeding. The original point was asking whether a YC for persistent offending was appropriate when the offence was a Free Kick offence, namely a crooked feed. For my part, I would escalate - if there's more than a couple of crooked feeds, I'd give a full penalty, and if that didn't work, then I'd :noyc:


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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If you got to the position where you had Fk'd a few times then escalated to a PK and gave a "very few options remaining skipper" type talk... and the captain in an attempt to stave off any issues swapped the #9 for (say) the blind side winger at the next scrum put in... but the "new" scrum half got it wrong and it wasn't straight, would you PK and YC the #14?

not sure what I would do TBH! "Resetting" the situation seems equitable wrt the #14, but could equally provide his team with a few more non-straights before losing a man!


Simon Thomas

Referees in England
Staff member
Dec 3, 2003
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going back to the original question, are you guys saying that feeding in the scrum is acceptable?
Amazing really, everyone hates uncontested scrums when the side with the put in has to win the ball, but a little crooked feed in a contested scrum is ok!?
If you've been training hard on your scrummaging all week, then on saturday the ref allows your opponents to feed, I think you'd be a bit irked.
Don't see a problem with the YC.
Bet they didn't feed again in the game.

Of course not ! Down the middle please very time. Some varianace may be argued of there is a definite choice of oppo not to strike for it, but they shouldn't take the p*ss.

And if not manage it - warn, escalate to FK for non-compliance to a warning.
But as an assessor I am going to start wondering how effective your communication skills are if you aren't getting the message across after a couple of Fks.


Referee Advisor / Assessor
Jan 27, 2004
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Didds - they swap the SH and then the same problem occurs...

I would hate to think the players thought they could get a free feed on the basis of "it was a new guy who's not really a 9 and messed up."

Their call, their consequence - PK and YC, and 14 can whinge to his captain about being put in a position for he was not suited later.


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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cheers dave - sounds eminently sensible :)

Hmmm... Getting all chopperesque I wonder what happens if no one will accept the poisoned calice of the puterr-inner because of the dangling YC, and the captain can't do it cos he is the final STE FR... ;-)



Referees in England
Staff member
Oct 7, 2004
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cheers dave - sounds eminently sensible :)

Hmmm... Getting all chopperesque I wonder what happens if no one will accept the poisoned calice of the puterr-inner because of the dangling YC, and the captain can't do it cos he is the final STE FR... ;-)


You have a precedent:

1920, France v Wales. Referee: Colonel WSD Craven (England). At one stage he got so fed up with the feeding that he himself put the ball in.


Referees in Australia
May 19, 2008
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You have a precedent:

1920, France v Wales. Referee: Colonel WSD Craven (England). At one stage he got so fed up with the feeding that he himself put the ball in.

Or Dicky Owen for Wales v England in the early 1900's who supposedly got sick of being pinged so invited his opponent to feed the scrums for the rest of the game


Referees in England
Staff member
Oct 7, 2004
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Or Dicky Owen for Wales v England in the early 1900's who supposedly got sick of being pinged so invited his opponent to feed the scrums for the rest of the game

1904 according to Terry Godwin, though the Times report does not mention it.