NZ vs IRL Test 3 - Andrew Porter‘s “absorbing tackle” on Brodie Retallick


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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the other one is that many times you see a warning .. then adv / new adv / new adv -- and the ref doesn't put a defender in the bin because the attackers manage to score. So the pending YC is cancelled...

Phil E

Referees in England
Staff member
Jan 22, 2008
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Current Referee grade:
Level 8
4 YCs in last 2 minutes of the game is my record. Multiple offences about 5m out finishing with a head high tackle in the act of scoring. Finished 17-16 in points and 15v11 in players. Shorthanded team won.

Spoke to winners' Captain in the bar afterwards who was convinced I wouldn't send more than one of them and he'd told them so when I told them to speak to his players :)

You can't educate pork!

Had a similar one when being assessed once.
Repeat offending 5m out, but not enough to warrant a PT.
Warning, YC, another offence, YC, another offence YC, then the attackers scored.

Captain said I couldn't YC more than once. I replied "your technically correct because the law states that after the second YC I should go to Red" (which I am fairly sure used to be written in the law book then). He didn't say anything after that.

Assessor said, nothing else you could do, if they want to keep offending they have to pay the consequences. He said he would have been quite happy if I continued with more YC's.


Referees in Ireland
Sep 22, 2012
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As an Irishman watching through my green tinged glasses I was astounded when Porter didn't get a RC.

For me its exactly the type of tackle that we want out of the game.

Porter tackles Retallick, He makes no attempt to go low and is always in an upright position.

He makes direct contact with the head of the ball carrier.

Was there head contact ? Yes

Was there foul play ? Yes

What was the degree of danger ? High , Player left the field with a broken cheekbone

Mitigating circumstances ? None

For me its a red card every time, once you remain high in the tackle then you run the risk of head contact and a RC.

I cant understand WR wanting to stamp out head injuries yet allowing these type of tackles avoid the ultimate sanction.


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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They make it up as they go along.