Hello everyone,
here are the laws:
17.4 (a)
The offside line. There are two offside lines parallel to the goal lines, one for each team. Each offside line runs through the hindmost foot of the hindmost player in the maul. If the hindmost foot of the hindmost player is on or behind the goal line, the offside line for the defending team is the goal line.
here are the laws:
17.4 (a)
The offside line. There are two offside lines parallel to the goal lines, one for each team. Each offside line runs through the hindmost foot of the hindmost player in the maul. If the hindmost foot of the hindmost player is on or behind the goal line, the offside line for the defending team is the goal line.
17.4 (c)
Players joining the maul. Players joining a maul must do so from behind the foot of the hindmost team-mate in the maul. The player may join alongside this player. If the player joins the maul from the opponents’ side, or in front of the hindmost team-mate, the player is offside.
Maul coming inside goal area, ball is still outside it.
A defence player joins the maul NOT from behind the foot of the hindmost team-mate in the maul, neither even alongside that player, BUT still inside his goal area (behing goal line).
17.4 (c) does not mention offside lines, so cai i punish him for joining incorrectly the maul?
My opinion: He's not offside but he joins incorrectly.