[Junior] RFU U14 regs/laws


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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and again, I don;t have an issue with that.

Of course, one day there will be an impasse...



Rugby Expert
Feb 28, 2017
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and again, I don;t have an issue with that.

Of course, one day there will be an impasse...


Only between the coaches, and the coaches set the tone. So long as the ref's consistent, as coaches you can't generally have cause for too much complaint, not at these levels anyways.

Remember, "Its' all about the kids!" :hap:


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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I can't see a ref coming down on the side of one coach - it sets a tone the aggrieved coach will "use" potentially.

I would say the ref has to say - its between you two to work out as long as its not dangerous.

Unless there is a third way of course! then the ref can pi$$ both coaches off! The reality of U14 rugby I suspect is that one of the coaches may be holding the whistle....



Referees in England
Sep 2, 2013
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Level 8
I had a U14 game on Sunday, first one at those regs although I had done U15 last season, I read up and drew my own interpretation (that PDF from the RFU really helped, but basically recipients can jump, but no lift, no contest until catcher had landed) and made a point of speaking to both coaches before the game to confirm that their expectations were the same as mine, broadly they were, other than the not straight (laws say throw to other team, then if not straight again then scrum to the original throwers), they had apparently been just letting them have another go. I didn't comment (mentally I thought, no, we'll play it by the book as doing so might rile someone), and as it happened they threw straight enough all game anyway.

I also made a point of explaining my same interpretation of non contested to the players in the brief, but in the form of a question so they had the opportunity to respond, again all were happy and it was consistent. I also made a point of shouting contest at the point they landed so people were completely clear with what I was seeing. YMMV but worked for me, the coaches, and the kids.


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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The reality of U14 rugby I suspect is that one of the coaches may be holding the whistle....


that very well may be the case, but my experience is that by U14 most head coaches have managed to find someone else to ref -- so it might still be an assistant coach and/or willing dad, but that's a significant improvement on the head coach.

in our part of the world league matches (U13 upwards) were refereed by the home club, but it had to be someone NOT associated with the age group. So we had to all swap around on league days. That was an excellent system as boys got experience different referees, and club refs got to ref different teams.


Rugby Expert
Feb 28, 2017
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that very well may be the case, but my experience is that by U14 most head coaches have managed to find someone else to ref -- so it might still be an assistant coach and/or willing dad, but that's a significant improvement on the head coach.

in our part of the world league matches (U13 upwards) were refereed by the home club, but it had to be someone NOT associated with the age group. So we had to all swap around on league days. That was an excellent system as boys got experience different referees, and club refs got to ref different teams.

From our Counties/region League Rules:

Match Officials

6.1 The home team is responsible for supplying a referee for the fixture and paying the referee’s expenses. The referee should be either a current active society referee, and if that is not possible then a qualified referee not attached to the home club, and if that is not possible then a qualified referee not attached to the specific home team (i.e. not a relative or in any way attached to the age group in question.

6.2 If a referee as described in 6.1 is not available then the home team must offer the visiting team the option of providing an alternative qualified referee within a reasonable timescale (at least two full days) in advance. If the visiting team declines the offer then the home team can appoint a qualified referee attached to their team.


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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Aha! I got a email back from laws@rfu.com that confirmed out approach 9shared by ChuckieB)

"When can the non-throwing team contest possession?
The contest for possession can start once the player who catches the ball has safely returned to the ground. The non-throwing team cannot contest possession whilst the ball is in the air."



Rugby Expert
Sep 3, 2014
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Current Referee grade:
Level 3
in our part of the world league matches (U13 upwards) were refereed by the home club, but it had to be someone NOT associated with the age group. So we had to all swap around on league days. That was an excellent system as boys got experience different referees, and club refs got to ref different teams.

If only that happened here. Not in league games, as there are no leagues until youth here. But, refs need to be as independent as possible. For credibility, the experience of the players (as you suggest) and indeed the referees themselves.


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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At all levels of rugby it's a key skill to be able to calmly adapt to the ref
If all your home games are reffed by the same person the boys don't learn that skill .. and tend to get upset every away game when they encounter an unfamiliar ref

(Aside we play leagues from u13 up, but the league is only play once - not home and away - and will amount to seven fixtures in a season . So we also play plenty of friendlies. Indeed more friendlies than league games. It's a good system)