[Mini/Midi] U11 player in U12 team?


New member
Oct 11, 2015
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Current Referee grade:
Level 1
Can someone please help me by clarifying or giving me the correct information for the below:-

Can a player that is technically an U11 play an age grade above for the U12 team?
His parents give consent.
His stature and development is on par with the U12's.

This is all I can find on the subject:-

"Playing out of Age Grade
Playing a young person out of their age grade, either ‘up’ or ‘down’, requires careful assessment by an experienced or qualified teacher, coach or team manager. Any decision should take into account the following points and should be governed by what is in the best needs of the individual:

• - The social and personal development of the young player

• - The physical development of the individual in relation to the rest of the team

• - The skill level of the individual

• - The position that they are playing within a team

• - The level that they are playing is appropriate

• - The impact this will have on others in the team and opponents

A parent or guardian should give consent to any club’s assessment for a child to play up or down an age grade; it is important that any identified extra risks are explained in the discussion with the parent.

U12s to U15s can train and play up one age grade if recommended by the player’s Club or School provided that: (a) in respect of club rugby, consents obtained from the parents, guardians or carers of the player; (b) in respect of Schools’ rugby, consent is obtained from the School’s Head Teacher; and (c) in each case an appropriate assessment is carried out"

I can find nothing on U11's playing an age grade above although the initial introduction indicated that as long as the criteria mentioned are met than its ok. However, the second part on specifies U12's-U15's.

Any solid guidance is welcomed.



Referees in England
May 15, 2009
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Current Referee grade:
Level 7
It must depend under which country's jurisdiction the club plays. Crossref refers to the RFU Regulation 15 (effective from 1 Aug 15), which states (that in England):

15.3.3 The following age grades are permitted to participate together in contact rugby training (which includes playing contact internal training matches):

(c) U11s with U12s.

15.3.4 In respect of Schools and Clubs with an insufficient number of players, ... U11s can train and play with U12s, in fixtures and festivals subject to satisfying the following conditions:
(a) the School or Club does not have a sufficient number of players to make up a team in the single age grade;
(b) the School’s CSU or the Club’s Constituent Body provides written approval (such approval to be valid for up to one season only);
(c) No more than half the players on the pitch at any time should be from the older age grade; and
(d) The team plays to the rules of the younger age grade.

I suspect that is not the answer you wish.