Pre-season Challenge


Referees in England
May 15, 2009
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Current Referee grade:
Level 7
Please don't run, particularly on roads, with an earphone in each ear, unless you really don't want to hear the car that hits you! It's safer to have some audio perception of your environment.


Referees in England
Oct 15, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 9
Day 7 and Day 8
Day 7 Weigh in Results - 128.6kg (down 0.5kg on Wednesday)
Bleep Test - 6.0 (up from 5.3)
Exercised Both Days? Yes!
Calorie intakes: 2138 and 2284 respectively


Did my first run on the full route today, and it went ok. The main issue is that I had to stop running for a good couple of kilometers because the Council haven't bothered clearing the river path up after the winter storms yet. Trees were down and sections of the river bank had completely collapsed meaning it was safest just to walk along the section.

In the future I will simply use the footpath on the road that runs along the over side of the river - is a shame as I absolutely love running along the river. Reminds me that not to far outside of the concrete and sprawling suburbia that is Ipswich there is some wildlife and nature.

In terms of the run - I was fine - I decided to make it 4 minutes and 2 minutes for this run as otherwise I would be changing far too much and that isn't really good. Next run I go on I will do 4 and 1 like I originally envisaged. I also think I could cut 20 minutes off the time if I didn't go via the River and also wasn't caught up by so many bloody traffic lights! Let's see if I can by the end of the week!

Tommorow's plan should be to go on another Bike Ride and also to try and measure the non-contact elements of rugby training as I should have one of those arm phone holders coming!
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Referees in England
Oct 15, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 9
Day 9
Exercise - Very much yes
Calorie Intake 2338

Rugby Training killed me. That is a fact. I've been doing cardio work and the coach decides to do half the session on Strength work which everybody really struggles to do. I unashamedly have to stop half way through as otherwise I would have been sick.

During the rest of the training was the usual handling drills followed by a game of touch (on a full pitch) in which I scored a breakaway try from the 22m.

When there was running I managed to do about 2 miles with a maximum speed of 11mph.
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Referees in England
Oct 15, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 9
Day 10
Morning Weigh in - 127.5kg - lost 1.1kg since Sunday
Exercise Yes - Walked alot around Central London
Calorie Intake about 3500

So I broke my diet. It was with good reason - I went to London to meet up with an old friend who lives in Dover now, and had a great time. But of course while during the day I actually managed to keep to the diet. I then went to a Chinese Buffet and while I didn't eat as much as I would normally have - 2 small plates. It still sent me way over my personally set calorie intake especially combined with the huge amount of alcohol we consumed. And I mean huge. I feel like crap this morning. I broke the diet and I've pretty much ****ed up especially considering I'm meant to be out with friends tonight as well.

I think the plan for tonight is to just drink diet coke and stuff when I need a drink and enjoy the night sober. I don't have the time to ruin all the progress I made. I'm pretty sure I undid all of the good work I did in one evening which while it was great fun, and nice to relax and have a 'few' drinks - it is still inexcusable.

Finally - I'm going to tweak the training programme until Sunday because of various other commitments and will be adding a strength section to it from next Monday in some form.

Today - Rest Day
Friday - Run to Sproughton etc
Saturday - Bleep Test then a full days work at (followed by a works party... great?)
Sunday - Weigh in then Run to Sproughton
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Lee Lifeson-Peart

Referees in England
Mar 12, 2008
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Current Referee grade:
Level 6
I think it's the mention of Sproughton that does it but Wombleref's itineraries always remind me of..

11.05 From Russia with Love
1:15 Goldfinger -Strawberry Nesquilk, Fishcakes.
3.35 Thunderball - Dump...questionmark...see how I feel after the fishcakes...20 minutes - got to allow for complications.
6:15 You Only Live Twice.. Tin of Directors'.
8:20 Diamonds are Forever. Put the roast on as soon as you see the Moon Buggy.

Keep up the good work.

I've lost a stone since March (now 14st 2lb). Smaller portions, bit more exercise.
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Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
So I broke my diet. It was with good reason - I went to London to meet up with an old friend who lives in Dover now, and had a great time. But of course while during the day I actually managed to keep to the diet. I then went to a Chinese Buffet and while I didn't eat as much as I would normally have - 2 small plates. It still sent me way over my personally set calorie intake especially combined with the huge amount of alcohol we consumed. And I mean huge. I feel like crap this morning. I broke the diet and I've pretty much ****ed up especially considering I'm meant to be out with friends tonight as well.

I think the plan for tonight is to just drink diet coke and stuff when I need a drink and enjoy the night sober. I don't have the time to ruin all the progress I made. I'm pretty sure I undid all of the good work I did in one evening which while it was great fun, and nice to relax and have a 'few' drinks - it is still inexcusable.
1. These things happen, don't worry too much about undoing all your good work. It's not as easy as that, just make sure that you learn from it and move forward. Personally I track things like alcohol, mobility work and nutrition in terms of meeting my set goals for a day or not. If I miss 1-2 days in a month it's not that big of a deal, however if it's becoming a trend that every Friday-Sunday I am missing them then I need to re-asses and make sure I get them right. Also a reward structure works well for me, if I hit 90% of the following goals then I will buy myself something.
- Training: Including games I will usually to do about 27-30 training sessions a month, if I complete at least 90% of them then I move on to the next one.
- Mobility: Every day I will work on some mobility drills from If I miss more than 2 then I haven't passed that.
- Nutrition: Need to eat well hitting my macro goals of P/C/F % breakdown as well as a specific calorie goal. If I miss more than 3 I have fail.
- Alcohol: 3 days per month I will allow a drink, it usually ends up being about 6 but it's ok if it's only 3 times a month I find.

If I hit all of those goals then I will get something for myself, might be a couple of new shirts, might be a new pair of boots/runners if I need. However I find that after 6-8 weeks it just becomes habit and I feel terrible if I am not meeting those goals.

Finally - I'm going to tweak the training programme until Sunday because of various other commitments and will be adding a strength section to it from next Monday in some form.

Today - Rest Day
Friday - Run to Sproughton etc
Saturday - Bleep Test then a full days work at (followed by a works party... great?)
Sunday - Weigh in then Run to Sproughton
How far is this run to Sproughton? Have you added in any sprint/condition intervals? These will create more of a fitness base than a 5km run every 2nd day.


Referees in Switzerland
Jun 13, 2006
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As someone who has lost a lot of weight recently (20kg and counting), some helpful hints from me:

Drinking. It hurts the fitness, but, lets face it, is part of the culture, and enjoyable. I have found the following ways to reduce consumption, while not getting too much peer pressure to drink:
1) Offer to be the designated driver - means you can have a nice pint at the beginning of the evening, and then stay off it the rest of the evening.
2) Drink shandy. Halves your calorie intake (roughly) as halves your alcohol intake. This is harder with peer pressure, but it is normally okay to have a couple of shandies at the beginning of the evening, then you can buy yourself a shandy on your rounds, and have normal beer on other rounds.
3) Switch to vodka/gin & tonic. Drink singles. Reduces calories. Also enables you to "skip" rounds by having water, and no-one knows.

My point here is - I looked to reduce all this intake, and yet still enjoy the evening. I found what I needed to still have fun, but reduce down the alcoholic intake.

And generally - if I try to cut something I enjoy out, I fail completely. If I reduce in a way that still fits my life, I succeed.

And I second Drifts comment about your run - how far is it? Make your fitness much more tailored to refereeing. You won't run 5km steady state on the pitch. Try some High Interval Training (you can probably buy a used version of Insanity or similar online for fairly cheap) - it really helps on general fitness, and helps with your ability to work hard and then recover quickly.

But good work so far - keep it up!

Toby Warren

Referees in England
Nov 8, 2007
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Great progress keep it up.

I'm not an expert so a question

As wombleref is trying shift some pounds isn't steady state exercise best?
(I know interval training is better for reffing but is it not a good plan to shift some pounds and then go up through the gears of interval training)


Referees in Switzerland
Jun 13, 2006
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Not an expert either, but I found I lost more, and quicker, through interval training.

Plus it is easier to fit in 1 40min interval session (including warn up/down etc), than a long steady state run etc.


Referees in England
Dec 14, 2009
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HIIT training (intervals) is the quickest way to improve body composition and will also help fitness levels.


Jan 20, 2012
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Played touch rugby and then did the 40 min fitness training with u16s last night, my joints are really aching today, so I can't recommend this......#50&hurting


Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
How is the training going?


Referees in England
Dec 14, 2009
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He's run so far that he's still on his way back. Or on holiday?


Referees in England
Mar 29, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 6
I can report his fitness has improved. I watched him at sevens.


New member
Jun 6, 2019
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You can only get a calorific deficit if your energy output is more than the energy input. You therefore have to cut down on food portions. Psychologists have found that eating slowly helps you lose weight because you consume less food portions. A slow speed gives the brain time to receive the satiation signal from the tummy letting you know that you’re actually full, as well as allowing better digestion and hydration. Otherwise gobbling a meal makes you think a meal has gone down too soon, making you to want more. You should also consider waist training, whereby you occasionally wear a waist trainer for weight loss, which can be a cincher, corset, belt or girdle. The undergarment compresses your waist and tummy as you eat thus making you feel full faster, makes you sweat more as you workout and supports your torso and back for a better posture.