YC or extra 10m


Referees in America
Apr 20, 2012
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Springfield, IL
Current Referee grade:
Level 8
Bluntly, they're not going to invest in you for 7s, knowing what I do about selections for the Stuff That Matters.

In your shoes I'd concentrate on 15s.

For a small fee - regaularly posting "like" to all my posts, for example :) - I can take a look at a couple of videos for you.
You’re probably right re: 15s, as much as I don’t want it to be. My concentration on 7s has been driven by the dire need for referees willing and fit enough to do college 7s in the spring.

Feel free to watch the above game and critique - it was the only meaningful 15s game I’d done since early November, so it’s the only recent tape I got.


Referees in England
Oct 8, 2011
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Watched a few of the scrums and was interested to note both scrum halves putting the ball in from the TH side. I know the law allows this but are they coached to do this or are they left to their own devices? Who decides hooker or SH?

They get a try from the scrum at 33:30 but it seems it could be so much slicker if the ball went in the LH side and the SH followed to provide good service rather than scrabbling and then turning to pass.


Referees in America
Mar 6, 2012
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Current Referee grade:
Level 1
Watched a few of the scrums and was interested to note both scrum halves putting the ball in from the TH side. I know the law allows this but are they coached to do this or are they left to their own devices? Who decides hooker or SH?

They get a try from the scrum at 33:30 but it seems it could be so much slicker if the ball went in the LH side and the SH followed to provide good service rather than scrabbling and then turning to pass.
Perhaps their TH fancied a strike for the ball. 😁


Referees in America
Apr 20, 2012
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Springfield, IL
Current Referee grade:
Level 8
Watched a few of the scrums and was interested to note both scrum halves putting the ball in from the TH side. I know the law allows this but are they coached to do this or are they left to their own devices? Who decides hooker or SH?

They get a try from the scrum at 33:30 but it seems it could be so much slicker if the ball went in the LH side and the SH followed to provide good service rather than scrabbling and then turning to pass.
I noticed it at the first scrum, but decided to leave it be as long as it was a safe contest.

For the white 9, likely inexperience. He’s a freshman, so there’s still room to grow.

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I noticed it at the first scrum, but decided to leave it be as long as it was a safe contest.

For the white 9, likely inexperience. He’s a freshman, so there’s still room to grow.
I see it on occasions with inexperienced SHs. I tell them that it's up to them, but normally the feed is on their hooker's left. They usually take my advice.


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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I was goig to say that as they put the ball under the hookers geet anyway Im surprised more sides dont do this and therefore expose the "blind side" opportunity. But then I realsied this wasnt elite level .
I acn only presume one of

* they feed unpunished
* their own hooker is blinding, AND/OR
* oppo hookers never strike AND/OR
* their pack is so dominant etc

The last didnt appear to be the case in the very limited look I had.
FWIW I would suggest the tactical use of a TH put is not be ignored - but you would have to be sure of winning the ball of course! For sides with a dominant scrum or with an oppo whose hooker isn't very flexible, I think its a very powerful option. Not that teams ever ever consider it (I perceive).

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I was goig to say that as they put the ball under the hookers geet anyway Im surprised more sides dont do this and therefore expose the "blind side" opportunity. But then I realsied this wasnt elite level .
I acn only presume one of

* they feed unpunished
* their own hooker is blinding, AND/OR
* oppo hookers never strike AND/OR
* their pack is so dominant etc

The last didnt appear to be the case in the very limited look I had.
FWIW I would suggest the tactical use of a TH put is not be ignored - but you would have to be sure of winning the ball of course! For sides with a dominant scrum or with an oppo whose hooker isn't very flexible, I think its a very powerful option. Not that teams ever ever consider it (I perceive).
Not seeing it myself. Why is it a powerful option? If it's a tactic for a clearer run for a #8 pick & go, it's pretty transparent. And if your scrum is so dominant you can consistently win a TH feed, you really don't need to play tricks


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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Not seeing it myself. Why is it a powerful option? If it's a tactic for a clearer run for a #8 pick & go, it's pretty transparent. And if your scrum is so dominant you can consistently win a TH feed, you really don't need to play tricks
same reasoning why standard feed provides an extra man to the right.

feed on the TH provides an extra man on the left. usual caveats apply about finessing the defence. And wheeling/advancing on the LH is easier than on the TH, thus moving the oppo back row away from the attack.

In the OP video I caught a white scrum with a TH put in that the number 8 then ran right - where the oppo #9 is waiting etc. Thats the equivlent of a normal LH put in going left - which usually only happens cops the #8s own side's scrum has been compromised (the example in the video didnt have that issue). ie not the most sensible direction to break

It just provides options.
And yes its transparent. But its still a tactical benefit.
tricks? Its all just about creating a mismatch, thats all. Its not rocket science


Referees in England
Oct 8, 2011
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Select Grade
Just seems that if you do not consider the scrum put in as part of the advantage you have over the non-offending team and don't know how to exploit it, by throwing in from different sides, do you really have any benefit?

Old school format, sitting on LHP and pointing across the scrum my right leg is free to swing and I am closer to the ball being fed from the LH side so we go for that. Opposition can try to straighten me up but need to be very strong and have good timing to get the nudge, if we are moving the SH walks aways and tells the ref it's not steady. On my terms I can generate clean and quick ball into Chanels; 1, 2 and 3 depending upon the call from 10, we can nudge up to pick up our and 8 can shuffle as required as part of a pre planned move. Exploiting the space available as we tie in their forwards and have quick ball.

If the opposition feed from my LH I chuckle and smile as I am closer to the ball and he's likely having no ball at all! I'm happy with that and if our backs are sharp they not only get the oppo fwds tied in but the oppo backs have to adjust and realign from their pre-planned attack to a defensive line. If my scrum half goes and starts trying to do that he'll make me look a muppet and get an earful or two!

New school format, just smash in and hope not to get penalised for; pushing early, dropping or hinging. SH stand to own side of tunnel and throws ball straight beyond 2nd row to No 8's hands. No finesse, no skill, no real thought. All the bit that Austin Healy dreams about fails because the scrum is being reset or the penalty has been awarded.

Interestingly in the Bath v Sale game yesterday scrums were quite disrupted and Mr Pearce allowed them to carry on, in fact he harried them to get the ball away👏


May 3, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Select Grade
In the OP video I caught a white scrum with a ........

The OP video also shows a D9 standing on the opposite side as the putting in 9.

Not entirely sure the referee is au fait with the laws.


May 3, 2013
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Select Grade
Time stamp?
I don't have a time.
Your tendancy to allow the ball to be passed from the ruck behind your back is not ideal. You should swivel to maintain sight of the ball at all times.
Also you would be better positioning yourself in front of the 9s at the formation of the scrum to best observe proceedings and stepping back to allow the put in once the scrum is set.