Recent content by Mr.Christopher

  1. Mr.Christopher

    Referee Obstructing tackler with TRY as result

    Following this happening in my Saturday game.... the exact same incident happened in South Africa: Both myself and the ref in the video essentially obstructed the only player capable of making a tackle, with the...
  2. Mr.Christopher

    AR penalty report AFTER final whistle?

    Hi guys, Interesting question from a colleague that I wanted feedback on. Here's the scenario: You're working a game, Red vs Blue, with 2 ARs... but you don't have radios. Its the end of the match, and blue knocks the ball on. As time has expired, referee signals the Knock On, then blows his...
  3. Mr.Christopher

    Defending receiver offside at lineout?

    I am using the following clip for reference: Above.. white starts with 2 men in the LO, and a player at the receiver position at least 2m back from the Line of Touch (LoT). The hooker throws the ball, and the receiver runs into the line to act as a...
  4. Mr.Christopher

    Need Help from Down Under!

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a good equipment vest/belt for radios... and a colleague from another province really recommended the following: However, apparently this vest is only available in Australia... and based on my initial contact with...
  5. Mr.Christopher

    Free Score Card for you!

    So... after posting that I was looking for a scorecard, and despite all the help (both from here and the web in general), I found that I really didn't like my options. So, I created my own (on behalf of my union). I tool a scorecard that we're currently using, and added some ideas from various...
  6. Mr.Christopher

    Need template for score card

    Hi all, I am running low on my scorecards, and I was wondering if anyone out there had a good template for a referee's scorecard? I had a bunch that were folding-double sided.... you could keep score on the outside (boxes in columns marked T, C, P, DG and Score) and the inside had a grid for...
  7. Mr.Christopher

    Front row subs after all subs used

    Hi Al, Can across a law question during today's match and I wanted your input. Team "A" has made all 7 substitutions, when 5 minutes before the final whistle, a front row player is injured and needs to be replaced. Which of the following options is correct: 1 - Team A can bring a front...
  8. Mr.Christopher

    Clarification for in-goal ruling...

    Hi guys, Watching the Munster/Toulon semi-final, this sequence of play happened: The Munster (Blue) player attempted to gather the ball and step on/over the touch-in-goal line at the same time, in order to get the scrum back on the Red (Toulon) 40m line...