22 drop even though didn't end up in goal?


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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Another clear law is the one that says you must not start the game if any part of the ground is unsafe. If we've going to be inflexible on clear laws, then the game simply doesn't go ahead if there's a bit of ground where you need to blow up for safety.

OK but that's a Law you have worked around with agreement of skippers. It's a not an on-field gotcha.

The pre-game disucssion could have extended further -- with captains
'Gentlement - if a loose ball ends up in the puddle and stops, then as referee I will stop the game as we've agreed its unsafe. BUT THEN what shall we do about restarts : would you like me to decide what would have happened if the puddle wasn't there and restart accordingly ? Or should we restart with a scrum as per normal for 'any other stoppage'.

If they had gone for the 'decide what would have happened option' then fine. I bet they would have said you what? No, a scrum of course, as that is the reasonable expectation. I don't think a a ref should invent Laws on the fly.


Referees in England
Staff member
Oct 7, 2004
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Perhaps the whole game depends on the decision .. Doesn't empathy and equity and materiality require you to referee to the Law
You should know the law and apply it sensibly (not pedantically).

(Perhaps I should put this in my sig block).


Jan 20, 2012
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Had a somewhat similiar situation last Saturday.

With my match being called off, I ended up doing a seconds match at a low level. One entire half of the pitch was a sea of mud, not a blade of grass to be seen. After thirty minutes of play, this sea extended pretty much the length of the pitch - thirty minutes each way as we wanted to get into the showers before before the colts playing on the first team pitch.

As the out-half attempted to start the second half, he pointed out to me that when he dropped the ball it stood up on end and he was unable to drop kick it! I spoke to the opposition skipper and informed him that it would be a punt kick to get the match underway.

He agreed and off we went. Sometimes, there are circumstances where referees simply have to make the best of a poor thing!

Incidently, refereed three matches this weekend, all of which ended in a draw! First for meself.


Wow, x3 draws, I've never heard of a similar situation. Draw odds are usually c.18/1 , so I make that £1 accumulator bet worth.... C.£ 5400 off the top of my head.

Anyone would think it was a strategy to get everyone to like you equally as little/much ....:biggrin:


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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You should know the law and apply it sensibly (not pedantically).

(Perhaps I should put this in my sig block).

well 20.4(d) specifically covers strange an unusual circumstances that Law makers have not written a specific Law to cover.
20.4(d) Scrum after any other stoppage. After any other stoppage or irregularity not covered by Law, the team that was moving forward before the stoppage throws in the ball. If neither team was moving forward, the attacking team throws in the ball.

presumably you would advise ALWAYS taking this Law with a pich of salt, and doing something different if you believe it would be fairer? After all this unusual stoppage is no/more or less unusual that any other unusual stoppage?

Or - could just follow the Lawbook.

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Or - could just follow the Lawbook.

Same game; same puddle.

Blue kick long into Green in goal where ball is picked up by Green fullback. Green fullback runs the ball out of in goal then realises he is about to be monstered by Blue chasers who are bearing down in him.

Green fullback steps smartly into puddle and sits down.

restart: Green scrum?


Rugby Expert
Oct 17, 2011
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Current Referee grade:
Select Grade
I bet the ref just didn't want to deal with a breakdown in the puddle and get his boots wet!

For Christ sake...it's winter, therefore it's wet, puddles happen....just splash in them and have a bit of fun! You get to be a kid again and slide in the mud and not be told off by your mum or wife! Play on..no need for whistle. Yippee-ky-ay. :pepper: :biggrin:

...and the last man back on his feet (bottom of the pile) buys the drinks - provided the frogmen can find his wallet...

Ps- forgot the smiles.


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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Same game; same puddle.

Blue kick long into Green in goal where ball is picked up by Green fullback. Green fullback runs the ball out of in goal then realises he is about to be monstered by Blue chasers who are bearing down in him.

Green fullback steps smartly into puddle and sits down.

restart: Green scrum?

- if green FB competes for the ball while on the ground PK blue
- if he releases it then if there is no other green player around then there is no competition for the ball now, so no danger, just play on
- if there is another green player close by and you have to stop for safety then scrum. no one moving forward, scrum attacking team (blue)