Clearance kick


New member
Aug 7, 2015
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Current Referee grade:
Level 15 - 11
Hi all,

I've got my first RU game coming up soon at a private school in Scotland so have been devouring the law book since doing my course at Murrayfield in June. I think I'll be okay but one thing I can't find is a kick to touch from ingoal. The law book is clear about kicking to touch from open play/the 22 area but this common tactic when under the cosh is not covered. So my question is:

Is ingoal treated the same as 22, in which case it is a case of no gain in ground - opposition lineout on the 5m?

My reffing background is doing RL for a few years till 2012; lots of games from the East Midlands down to the south coast but concentrating on the Home Counties. Different game but hopefully good experience regarding game management, working with players, thinking on your feet, coaching during a game (use of voice in RL is essential).

Only stopped cos I moved to the extreme south west and didn't want to travel as far as Bristol for games. My main area is East Lothian but as I work in Alnwick does anyone know if the SRU qualification is okay for England as I might hope to join the Northumberland Society?


Referees in New Zealand
May 5, 2011
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The in-goal area is considered inside the 22m. Provided the ball wasn't passed back from outside the 22m into the in-goal, kick out on the full from the in-goal will gain territory.

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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Level 8
Is ingoal treated the same as 22,


in which case it is a case of no gain in ground - opposition lineout on the 5m?

Other way round, Inside the 22 IS a gain in ground.

does anyone know if the SRU qualification is okay for England as I might hope to join the Northumberland Society?

Yes it is, the two societies will communicate to confirm your level and then the new society will give you a couple of supervised games to make sure you are at the right level, then off you go.

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Level 2
ctrainor, why do you dislike the OP?

The Fat

Referees in Australia
Jul 15, 2010
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I think Aidan was thinking of a ball passed back into in-goal; as in ball taken back in.

Maybe Aidan needs to give us a specific scenario? Then I think we can set him on the right path without confusing him further.


Referees in Wales
Aug 23, 2009
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In fairness, it is his first post on


Referees in England
Oct 26, 2006
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I think we may all have confused ourselves (and certainly the OP), starting with Damo:

The in-goal area is considered inside the 22m. Provided the ball wasn't passed back from outside the 22m into the in-goal, kick out on the full from the in-goal will gain territory.
It would be an extraordinary back-pass to go from outside the 22m into in-goal.

So my own scenario: defensive scrum 5m out. Ball is won by defensive team, scrum half passes to #10 positioned deep in-goal. Fly half catches and kicks for touch. Ball goes directly into touch just beyond the 22m line. How to restart?

Answer: attacking lineout just outside the 22m line.


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Aug 7, 2015
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Level 15 - 11
All, thanks for that. Another look at the law book shows that No.19 covers this though you are correct passing back into the 22/ingoal does produce a lineout where it went out.

My scenario was a pass from the 22 into the ingoal area and a kick direct to touch; I now see this is a lineout for the opposition.

Rugby League was a bit different! Easier on the mind but a killer on your fitness!

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Rugby League was a bit different! Easier on the mind but a killer on your fitness!

That's interesting. I've never reffed RL but was always led to believe it was physically easier than RU.


Referees in Australia
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Jan 27, 2004
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All, thanks for that. Another look at the law book shows that No.19 covers this though you are correct passing back into the 22/ingoal does produce a lineout where it went out.

My scenario was a pass from the 22 into the ingoal area and a kick direct to touch; I now see this is a lineout for the opposition.

Rugby League was a bit different! Easier on the mind but a killer on your fitness!

Welcome. You have a lot of resources here to pick from. No question is too dumb, and has probably been asked before. Take a good look around some of the archives. Avoid the Leggings thread. And give back as well - your viewpoint, on either the RL or the RU threads - s as welcome and valued as anyone else's. Except PhilE; he works for Leicester and so by definition is our 'outreach' member.


Referees in Wales
Aug 23, 2009
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Personally, I wouldn't go back through the archives much. Laws change, and what may have been good advice once, may now be duff.

The site thrives on questions - ask away.

Apart from Leggins. Never EVER ask a question about Leggins. :biggrin:
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The Fat

Referees in Australia
Jul 15, 2010
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All, thanks for that. Another look at the law book shows that No.19 covers this though you are correct passing back into the 22/ingoal does produce a lineout where it went out. ???????

My scenario was a pass from the 22 into the ingoal area and a kick direct to touch; I now see this is a lineout for the opposition.

Rugby League was a bit different! Easier on the mind but a killer on your fitness!

Hi Aidan,
This last post of yours would suggest that you haven't quite got your head around kicks to touch from inside the 22.
Consider the following 4 scenarios. If you have any questions after thinking them through, ask away.

1. Blue 9 passes the ball back into his own 22 to his #10 who then kicks the ball directly (i.e. on the full) into touch near the half way.
This results in a lineout to the opposition in line with where Blue #10 kicked the ball.

2. Blue 9 passes the ball back into his own 22 to his #10 who then kicks the ball which bounces inside the field of play before going into touch near the half way.
This results in a lineout to the opposition where the ball crossed the touch line.

3. Blue 9 passes the ball back into his own 22 to his #10 who is tackled and following the ensuing ruck, blue #9 then kicks the ball directly (i.e. on the full) into touch near the half way. This results in a lineout to the opposition where the ball crossed the touch line.

4. Red carry the ball into the blue 22 and a tackle and ruck take place where blue win possession. Blue #9 passes the ball to his #15, who is standing in-goal, and #15 then kicks the ball directly into touch. The ball crosses the touch line about 30m from blue's goal line.
The result is a lineout to red where the ball crossed the touch line.

Phil E

Referees in England
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Jan 22, 2008
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