NZ WC shirts

Hadn’t thought of them. Good point. Netherlands, can be the exception that proves the rule, with a dark, or light change strip and Orange as their home colours. The point is to eliminate the real avoidable colour clashes (like the Grey and Black v Black and Grey in #31) which are becoming more and more fréquent, as Unions try to shamelessly maximise their merchandising.
Anyway, at 25th in the WR rankings, they’ll not be causing any colour clashes at this RWC. Now if they can train up another 23 Tim Vissers then the World will have to sit up and take notice. A team needs to be consistently in the top twenty to entertain RWC hopes.

A lot of Elite squads have fluorescent training strips. It wouldn’t be all that difficult to identify half a dozen fluorescent options and WR just impose them on unions. World amateur boxing has a Red corner versus a Blue corner; but hey we all know WR’s policy is «*Why keep it simple? When you could simply choose to be stupid.»
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This happened in the European Cup this season too. With (EPRC) imposing on Glasgow to wear the change strip against Cardiff in Cardiff. Skyblue/grey v skyblue exacerbated by blinding sunshine. Nice one.
For which they had to apologise after
[LAWS]Traditionally it has been the home side who wear their second-choice shirt if there is a colour clash.[/LAWS]Why do governing bodies feel the need to stick their noses in? Glasgow should have played in their Club colours and the Home team shouldn’t have needed any change to accommodate that.
If they left it to the match referee to decide on match day, that would eliminate any clashes that slip thru’ the net.
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This happened in the European Cup this season too. With (EPRC) imposing on Glasgow to wear the change strip against Cardiff in Cardiff. Skyblue/grey v skyblue exacerbated by blinding sunshine. Nice one.
For which they had to apologise after
[LAWS]Traditionally it has been the home side who wear their second-choice shirt if there is a colour clash.[/LAWS]Why do governing bodies feel the need to stick their noses in? Glasgow should have played in their Club colours and the Home team shouldn’t have needed any change to accommodate that.
If they left it to the match referee to decide on match day, that would eliminate any clashes that slip thru’ the net.

"But under tournament rules, teams must submit two kit designs to EPCR before the start of the competition and a fortnight before each fixture officials tell them which strip they will be wearing."

Well this is just a plain stupid rule. Anyone with an ounce of commonsense could see that eventually, something like the Glasgow/Cardiff situation would happen.

In our National Provincial Championship, there is no "rule" as such, but there is a competition playing condition

4.2 Playing jerseys

All jerseys must be numbered 1 23

Should jerseys clash, the visiting team should wear an alternative strip.

That's it. We just leave it to the teams to sort out.

As far as I know, its the same for Super Rugby.
Hadn’t thought of them. Good point. Netherlands, can be the exception that proves the rule, with a dark, or light change strip and Orange as their home colours. The point is to eliminate the real avoidable colour clashes (like the Grey and Black v Black and Grey in #31) which are becoming more and more fréquent, as Unions try to shamelessly maximise their merchandising.
Anyway, at 25th in the WR rankings, they’ll not be causing any colour clashes at this RWC. Now if they can train up another 23 Tim Vissers then the World will have to sit up and take notice. A team needs to be consistently in the top twenty to entertain RWC hopes.

A lot of Elite squads have fluorescent training strips. It wouldn’t be all that difficult to identify half a dozen fluorescent options and WR just impose them on unions. World amateur boxing has a Red corner versus a Blue corner; but hey we all know WR’s policy is «*Why keep it simple? When you could simply choose to be stupid.»

Cote D'Ivoire - they played in Orange in 1995 - against Scotland.
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Second Exception that proves the never say never rule? Luckily Scotland hadn’t printed their Orange jerseys back then or it’d have been a first, all Orange colour clash. Since, 43rd is the highest they’ve been on the World rankings and with only 470 registered Senior players in the country, I doubt they will be posing any colour clashes at the WRC in the near future.