Age Grade and Global Law Trial contradiction


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Oct 12, 2015
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Hi all

I've always worked on the principle that if a ruling is not specifically mentioned in the age grade appendix 15 then the standard laws of the game apply.

Since the new Global Law Trials apply to ALL levels of the game (including age grade rugby) I would expect them to override the relevant sections of appendix 15.

The particular situation that I have in mind (and cropped up for the first time this weekend) is relating to hooking the ball. The U12 age grade appendix states "Only the hookers may strike for the ball". However, if the GLTs apply to all levels then any front row player can strike for the ball.

I'm inclined to go with the latter but wondered how others have interpreted or handled this?



Rugby Expert
Feb 28, 2017
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Age grade laws are written specifically for the purpose in RFU land.

They are a framework for managing development through to full 15-a-side game and global laws.

They were probably not designed with even a thought to ensuring the two could be directly reconciled.

Go with the AG as your first port of call and if it is covered, then no need to even think about what is in the full laws.


Referees in England
Sep 2, 2013
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My interpretation is the same as yours, if not covered explicitly then go with the 15 aside laws, but agree with you, it is confusing how the variations that have come into play since contradict each other. The other one that I had to read twice was the are ruck when it's not a ruck laws, but took the view that a ruck is specifically defined within the NROP and we already have offside lines at the tackle anyway, so not much changes.

In your case, I think I would allow anyone in the front row to hook, I think the only person who would object would be a coach, and you can easily explain away why you allowed it. In reverse though, would you ping an 11 year old if no one hooked? I don't think I would! Ultimately we just want them to safely restart the game. No harm in reaffirming in chat what you want to see from them though, I actually say 'hookers hook' as the ball goes in as a coaching point, but that might just be me.


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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Hi all

I've always worked on the principle that if a ruling is not specifically mentioned in the age grade appendix 15 then the standard laws of the game apply.

in this instance it IS specifically mentioned in the age grade appendix - viz only hookers can hook. So surely you'd go with that?


Resident Club Coach
Jan 27, 2004
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Since the new Global Law Trials apply to ALL levels of the game (including age grade rugby) I would expect them to override the relevant sections of appendix 15.

I wouldn't. AGRs trump the general LoTG. That's their entire point.

AGRs are partly designed to help young players develop their sklls. This AGR presumably is intended to help hookers learn to strike without everyman and his dog also throwing their feet into the fray, whilst concentrating props attentions on keeping a stable and SAFE scrummage.



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Oct 12, 2015
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Thanks for the quick responses.

I have found it quite difficult to get clarification on the GLTs. I went to a GRFU talk on how refs/coaches should interpret them and we were told that they didn't apply to AGR at all. Sceptical, I did a bit of internet searching and found a twitter Q&A where the RFU rep explicitly stated that they do apply to AGR!

I can see the logic in AGR overruling anything in GLTs and LOTG. I think I was getting a bit hung up on whether the intention was for GLTs to alter AGR but the AGR appendix hadn't been updated to reflect this. didds response, particularly regarding the hooking, makes a lot of sense.

That's enough TLAs for one post ;-)


Referees in England
Sep 14, 2009
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the other important thing is that not actually part of the GLTs that any player can hook the ball -- it's ALWAYS been the case that any front row player can hook for the ball (in the adult game, not necessarily in age group)

For some reason they repeated this in the GLT, and for some reason everyone immediately forgot their Law book and assumed it was new.


Referees in Scotland
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi all

I've always worked on the principle that if a ruling is not specifically mentioned in the age grade appendix 15 then the standard laws of the game apply.

Since the new Global Law Trials apply to ALL levels of the game (including age grade rugby) I would expect them to override the relevant sections of appendix 15.

The particular situation that I have in mind (and cropped up for the first time this weekend) is relating to hooking the ball. The U12 age grade appendix states "Only the hookers may strike for the ball". However, if the GLTs apply to all levels then any front row player can strike for the ball.

I'm inclined to go with the latter but wondered how others have interpreted or handled this?


I think there is a bit of confusion here and you need to look at the age grade law variations to see what they are trying to do. I know these vary from union to union, but as a general rule they are about making the game safer for players.

So on the specific GLT on front row hooking, that actually is not a change, it has always been the case that anyone in the front row can hook. The age grade law variation that hookers only should hook is to increase the stability of the scrum by not having two or more try to hook at the same time. What the GLT does is to introduce a requirement of the putting in front row to hook (and it made it clear that any FR could hook) then the requirement for hooking at age grade is now mandatory, but the restriction that it should only be the hooker should remain.