Pre-Season Training

Jarrod Burton

Referees in Australia
Jun 19, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I'm missing seeing everyones updates, but I can give you mine, as I've been away from the site for a while:
Weight 82.3 - down from around 84.
Lost 2cm from waist and 1.5 from hips in last month.
Fitness is so so, have mild bursitis in my right hip so full speed sprints can be a bit of a gamble and burpees are out for a month.
Running 2.4km in around 13-13:30 mins, very happy about that.
Last week included my birthday so was a bit soft:
Monday - fitness test @ club (heavy warm up, 12 min run, 100 push ups then 500 sit ups - I wore the skin off my butt and couldn't sit still till Thursday!)
Tuesday - Nil
Wednesday - 31st Bday, 10 oz bicep curls and over-eating
Thursday - walk then more club training, sprints.
Friday - 3 matches of U16 school boys 7's back to back - no real issues or struggles, so very very happy!
Saturday - 3 games of netball umpiring
Sunday - nil.

This week
Club training Monday, gym Tuesday, U21's netball umpire Wednesday, then Thursday I'm in Melb til Sunday to see my brother, so whatever I can fit in, including shopping for new clothes that fit me.

Also got notice of my first seniors game for 4th April, so very happy about that.


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Feb 13, 2012
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I'm feeling a bit average after not being selected for the Auckland academy squad. Still working out, not gaining weight, and I feel a bit like 'why do I bother' at the moment. So yeah, no updates from me.

Jarrod Burton

Referees in Australia
Jun 19, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I'm feeling a bit average after not being selected for the Auckland academy squad. Still working out, not gaining weight, and I feel a bit like 'why do I bother' at the moment. So yeah, no updates from me.

I have the same feeling about netball at the moment, as I missed out on state league by the looks of it. They are pouring effort and support at the younger umpires (13-19 years old) while 'older' (I'm only just 31!) umpires get over looked as assocations try to find the next female umpiring prodigy - as more than half of our local elite umpires are men, and the only one with an international qualification is a guy. Putting 13 year olds to umpire first grade is ok as the women are generally well behaved, but you don't see the kids doing 4th/5th grade with the cranky old women, instead older umpires (like me!) get to do them instead of getting higher quality matches and become disenfranchised in the whole process.

So yeah, I can understand the "why bother" train of thought!

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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Level 2
I'm feeling a bit average after not being selected for the Auckland academy squad. Still working out, not gaining weight, and I feel a bit like 'why do I bother' at the moment. So yeah, no updates from me.

Trish, did you get to see the most boring game of rugby ever played last Friday night?


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Feb 13, 2012
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I did indeed. I cheered for the Rebels since yous have two of my favourite Wellington players on your team. One guy behind us spent 80 mins yelling at the ref though, which put a downer on the game somewhat.


Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I'm feeling a bit average after not being selected for the Auckland academy squad. Still working out, not gaining weight, and I feel a bit like 'why do I bother' at the moment. So yeah, no updates from me.

I have the same feeling about netball at the moment, as I missed out on state league by the looks of it. They are pouring effort and support at the younger umpires (13-19 years old) while 'older' (I'm only just 31!) umpires get over looked as assocations try to find the next female umpiring prodigy - as more than half of our local elite umpires are men, and the only one with an international qualification is a guy. Putting 13 year olds to umpire first grade is ok as the women are generally well behaved, but you don't see the kids doing 4th/5th grade with the cranky old women, instead older umpires (like me!) get to do them instead of getting higher quality matches and become disenfranchised in the whole process.

So yeah, I can understand the "why bother" train of thought!

Guys, can I add a little constructive feedback. I don't mean to sound like a prick however if I come across like that then please accept my apologies.

Why would you feel down when you have missed out on something? Sure it sucks when you miss out, however just ask what you need to work on to make the panels and see if you can get some tidbits of info from the coaches and work on that. Personally if I miss out I am more driven then ever, as I come from the way of thinking that you work your arse off to get the chance and then from then on it's somewhat* of a coast. However I understand the thought process of taking a week off, enjoy the week but then you need to hit it hard again.

* I don't mean you slack off, however you no longer have to worry about proving yourself good enough to get there. You need to progress well, but you also just need to take on board any feedback.

I had 20 minutes on the airdyne this morning. 20 seconds hard work, 10 seconds easy work (tabata style) for the full 20 minutes. I think someone could have drowned in my sweat puddle after the session.


Referees in Australia
Nov 20, 2009
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Guys, can I add a little constructive feedback. I don't mean to sound like a prick however if I come across like that then please accept my apologies.

Why would you feel down when you have missed out on something? Sure it sucks when you miss out, however just ask what you need to work on to make the panels and see if you can get some tidbits of info from the coaches and work on that. Personally if I miss out I am more driven then ever, as I come from the way of thinking that you work your arse off to get the chance and then from then on it's somewhat* of a coast. However I understand the thought process of taking a week off, enjoy the week but then you need to hit it hard again.

* I don't mean you slack off, however you no longer have to worry about proving yourself good enough to get there. You need to progress well, but you also just need to take on board any feedback.

I had 20 minutes on the airdyne this morning. 20 seconds hard work, 10 seconds easy work (tabata style) for the full 20 minutes. I think someone could have drowned in my sweat puddle after the session.

Can I add a counter to that?

It's easy to say that when you're on top of the pecking order! It does get disenheartening when you've busted your gut for a number of years; think you've proven yourself; did all that was asked of you and then still get looked over because of age (or some other factor not related to performance). Yes, sometimes your own perceived ability does not equal your actual ability, but far too often you see other factors in play.

I don't mean to sound a prick about it, but politics and favouritism plays a part in advancement, whether we like it or not. To say it doesn't, is being naive.


Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Can I add a counter to that?

It's easy to say that when you're on top of the pecking order! It does get disenheartening when you've busted your gut for a number of years; think you've proven yourself; did all that was asked of you and then still get looked over because of age (or some other factor not related to performance). Yes, sometimes your own perceived ability does not equal your actual ability, but far too often you see other factors in play.

I don't mean to sound a prick about it, but politics and favouritism plays a part in advancement, whether we like it or not. To say it doesn't, is being naive.

I don't disagree with any of that, they are all valid points. I was just trying to say that sometimes we will have disappointments in our careers. It's how we bounce back from them that gets noticed IMO.


Referees in Australia
Nov 20, 2009
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Bounce back - yes. Will it get noticed? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. But one thing is for sure, you won't know unless you try. Keep your toys in the cot and have another crack. How many times you smash your head into the brick wall before you've had enough? Well that's up to each individual to decide.

Ps motherhood statement alert!!
You can only control the things you can control. Look after the things you can control as there's no point worrying about those things you can't control.
Set your goals and measures on those things you can control.
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Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Bounce back - yes. Will it get noticed? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. But one thing is for sure, you won't know unless you try. Keep your toys in the cot and have another crack. How many times you smash your head into the brick wall before you've had enough? Well that's up to each individual to decide.

Ps motherhood statement alert!!
You can only control the things you can control. Look after the things you can control as there's no point worrying about those things you can't control.
Set your goals and measures on those things you can control.

C.T.C is something that is written on a piece of paper in my kit bag, if you control the controllable then you will be in for a good day.


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Feb 13, 2012
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Part of the reason it's so disheartening is the focus on age. I know one reason I would have been passed over for academy is I'm too old. (They say this is flexible but...) As much as I can look young, I was still born in the 80s. No amount of bouncing back can make me 19 again.

And I fully understand the politics thing. Due to external circumstances I'm something of a jouneyman, never stayed for two seasons in a row. Get to a new association and often you're starting at the bottom again.

Jarrod Burton

Referees in Australia
Jun 19, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I'm certainly not giving up or throwing the toys out of the cot, but I have decided to give it one more shot (as this isn't the first or even third time I've been overlooked by the netball people for unknown reasons) before I find another organisation to give my time and energy to.

They've been giving me low grade matches too, U11, U13b, Womens 4th grade while the flavours of the month are getting high quality matches, but I've decided that I'm going to take the rubbish games without complaint (well no complaints to them!) while letting the development group know that I want to badge up to the next level (B). While I'm probably 'doing my time' once again but they certainly can't say that I'm not giving it my best shot.

I have managed to get put on the state league roster, but since they have a massive pool of umpires I have no idea if or when I would get called up.

Thanks to you guys for listening to the moan/bitch, but with limited ref's down here and no umpires I trust @ netball its easier to do it here.


Referees in Australia
Nov 20, 2009
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
I wish you luck.

It's tough, as succession planning is a necessary evil, which often means the likes of 'better and more experienced' get overlooked. The biggest problem is, the communication about it is so sh!t house. If they came to you and told you the plan and where you fit in, then I'm sure you'd be cool with that. Problem is, they never do. What you don't want to be is the whipping boy because you've sat back and said nothing.

Back to fitness...

I've lost another 1kg, and down to 71kg and the fittest I've ever been. Have picked up a shoulder injury so that has stopped weights in its track for 3 weeks now.
Pretty much only just doing referee training twice a week (1 hour cardio etc) with an extra cardio run on Sunday.
I did my first full trial game saturday in 26 degrees (with about 7 tries all up) and came through it without a problem. Players were all shagged, but I felt like I could go another 80!
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Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Understandable Constantine and Jarrod. Like I said, I didn't want to come across as a prick, but I was just interested as those kind of things tend to spur me on more, however we are all different.

Couple of decent games over the weekend. Both produced some free flowing rugby and whilst I thought I was underdone going into the 15s season it was good to see that I pulled through them well. Got a fun session tonight.

60 minutes in total:
20 minutes on the rower to get to 5km
20 minutes on the airdyne bike for max distance
20 minutes running for max distance

Also got word that our head of coaching is attending training tomorrow night which means only 1 thing. Yoyo test time.

Jarrod Burton

Referees in Australia
Jun 19, 2013
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2

Cheers Buddy. I was in Melb over the weekend and was going to come and watch/heckle you have a run, but a night at Dracula's and a visit down the peninsula to see family put paid to that idea. I'm back on ANZAC weekend so will come find you!

As you might guess from a weekend of excess, I'm avoiding the scales but am happy with my progress from October. Picked up some bursitis in the hip (psoas? I certainly can't spell it) which is slowing my sprints and reflecting some pain into my hammy and knee. And a bit of exercise induced asthma which is aggrevated by the rye grass seeding off near our training venue. Can't wait to start next weekend!


Referees in Australia
Jan 6, 2010
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Current Referee grade:
Level 2
Cheers Buddy. I was in Melb over the weekend and was going to come and watch/heckle you have a run, but a night at Dracula's and a visit down the peninsula to see family put paid to that idea. I'm back on ANZAC weekend so will come find you!

As you might guess from a weekend of excess, I'm avoiding the scales but am happy with my progress from October. Picked up some bursitis in the hip (psoas? I certainly can't spell it) which is slowing my sprints and reflecting some pain into my hammy and knee. And a bit of exercise induced asthma which is aggrevated by the rye grass seeding off near our training venue. Can't wait to start next weekend!

As my name suggests I don't 'run', I tend to pick up a nice southerly and just drift around the pitch. The game was a pretty decent one as well, those kids can certainly play some good rugby.

The psoas is a pain to stretch. Have a look here though, I would recommend starting from video 1 and doing 1 every day. It's aimed at the general population, yet the main crowd who watch these videos are crossfitters so some of the stuff he says is aimed at that.