Dear America....

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Jul 14, 2010
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I think I can discern a difference between a video openly supporting a candidate and a covert operation hacking servers and disseminating fake news. Unfortunately not everyone seems to be able to tell the difference.

Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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I think I can discern a difference between a video openly supporting a candidate and a covert operation hacking servers and disseminating fake news. Unfortunately not everyone seems to be able to tell the difference.

Tomatoe tomato, covert or overt

Both are intended to effect another nations election


, Promises to Referee in France
May 11, 2010
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You're a little insistant.
... your opinion on Obamas meddling in France's election, please
Liberté, égalité, fraternité French for "liberty, equality, fraternity", is the national motto of France. For BO to remind the French of this, was timely, since many here were thinking about voting for the daughter of a holocaust denier. A woman, who like DT had understood how playing on people's fears rather than on their hopes and dreams for a better future, was the most effective way of getting their vote. France, like America, since their respective revolutions, has made the cultural diversity of her immigrants into the wealth of the Nation.

DT plays with people's fears, but he is playing with fire when he does. The proletariat can tell a member of the Bourgeoisie. Obviously with DT they cannot tell him much, since he only listens to the sound of his own voice.

Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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Just how old is France's new first lady? Now that France has a first lady.


, Promises to Referee in France
May 11, 2010
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Firstly, something to clear up, the voters are having none of that idea.
Almost 200000 people have signed a petition to prevent Brigitte Macron, wife of the French President, from being given the official position of “First Lady”.
So she has no official role here in France, apart from being the President's wife.

Well Macron is 39 and apparently he first meet his wife when he only 15.
She was his high school teacher and is 25 years older than him. (So 64 years of age, and in much better shape than the sexist Donald, who remarked what good shape she was in).

Interesting it causes more of a stir than the age difference of America's First Lady.
Melania Knauss started dating Donald Trump in 1998. She is 47 and Mr. President is well past retirement age, at 71 years old. I let you do the maths on that one.
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Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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Firstly, something to clear up, the voters are having none of that idea.

So she has no official role here in France, apart from being the President's wife.

Well Macron is 39 and apparently he first meet his wife when he only 15.
She was his high school teacher and is 25 years older than him. (So 64 years of age, and in much better shape than the sexist Donald, who remarked what good shape she was in).

Interesting it causes more of a stir than the age difference of America's First Lady.
Melania Knauss started dating Donald Trump in 1998. She is 47 and Mr. President is well past retirement age, at 71 years old. I let you do the maths on that one.

Conversely, try this math. When EM is 50, the first lady of France will be 75. Using DT math, EM could of had a wife of 26 at that age.

Which methodology would you prefer? for yourself? be honest


Referees in New Zealand
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Well Macron is 39 and apparently he first meet his wife when he only 15.
She was his high school teache
r and is 25 years older than him. (So 64 years of age, and in much better shape than the sexist Donald, who remarked what good shape she was in).

There are teachers in the USA who have gone to jail for this sort of thing!

PARIS — Brigitte Macron will not be given the official title of “first lady” after an online uproar that roused France from its summer slumber.

However, she will still be widely referred to as the first lady and have access to a small staff to run her office, housed near her husband’s.

In other words, she will be First Lady in every respect but name. Only the French could arrange something like this.
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, Promises to Referee in France
May 11, 2010
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As I understand it, he was simply seeking to put in writing, what has already been the norm here for a while.

The French constitution gives no official status to a president's spouse, although they are typically allocated an office in the Elysée Palace, an assistant or two, and security guards.
They are also expected to accompany their partner at official engagements and often become involved in charity work.
Macron wants a "defined" role, in a TV interview during the campaign, he said that, if elected, he would want the role of first lady to be "defined".

As far as I know there's no law against having a crush on a married teacher and vowing to marry her.
When his parents found out, they sent him away to boarding school n the hope he'd forget about the woman.
In 2007, when he was 29 and she was divorced, Macron asked Brigitte’s children for her hand in marriage; they all gave their blessing.
and the rest, as they say, is history.
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Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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As far as I know there's no law against having a crush on a married teacher and vowing to marry her.
When his parents found out, they sent him away to boarding school n the hope he'd forget about the woman.
In 2007, when he was 29 and she was divorced, Macron asked Brigitte’s children for her hand in marriage; they all gave their blessing.
and the rest, as they say, is history.

As they say in Canada, "greasy".


Referees in Scotland
Oct 29, 2014
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True love wins out if you ask me.

The Fat

Referees in Australia
Jul 15, 2010
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How long can this absolute self absorbed f%*@wit remain in office as the POTUS.
How f%*@ing dumb can those people be who still seemingly hang on every incoherent word that spews from his mouth.
Surely there are many from his own side of politics who are thinking, "How do we get rid of him and go with the VP?"


Player or Coach
Jul 14, 2010
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The legal/technical difficulty of impeaching the bozo aside there is the question of who will step to the plate to make it happen.

Republicans up for re-election don't want to anger the 'base' (who are the 30% still approving this idiot) as they will then get upended in the primaries.

Democrats are happy to have this embarrassment to point to. Also, Pence is a super conservative who would be more destructive to the liberal agenda.

So, the clown is here to stay. Unless . . . . .

. . . . he resigns. Actually, considering his self perception, 'abdicating' may be a more fitting term.

A clever Republican controlled congress that controls the purse strings could give him an out by limiting the Secret Service funding (they will run out of money in September). Restrict his travel to his Florida palace and his New Jersey resort and make him stay home in the White House (a place he described as a "dump"). Stop the protection for his globe trotting adult children as they conduct business for their empire. Take away the pomp & ceremony that is the thing he loves most. Just make him not want to be there but let him leave as a 'winner' (in his own mind).

I'm with you TF. The real problem is inability of the American populace to deal with reality. That's the scary part.

Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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1.How long can this absolute self absorbed f%*@wit remain in office as the POTUS.
2.How f%*@ing dumb can those people be who still seemingly hang on every incoherent word that spews from his mouth.
3.Surely there are many from his own side of politics who are thinking, "How do we get rid of him and go with the VP?"

1. either 3 years and 5 months or 7 years and 5 months.

2. I haven't seen any statistics on how f ing dumb these people are, i'm not sure how to measure how f ing dumb.

3. I'm not sure who his side may be.

Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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The legal/technical difficulty of impeaching the bozo aside there is the question of who will step to the plate to make it happen.

Republicans up for re-election don't want to anger the 'base' (who are the 30% still approving this idiot) as they will then get upended in the primaries.

Democrats are happy to have this embarrassment to point to. Also, Pence is a super conservative who would be more destructive to the liberal agenda.

So, the clown is here to stay. Unless . . . . .

. . . . he resigns. Actually, considering his self perception, 'abdicating' may be a more fitting term.

A clever Republican controlled congress that controls the purse strings could give him an out by limiting the Secret Service funding (they will run out of money in September). Restrict his travel to his Florida palace and his New Jersey resort and make him stay home in the White House (a place he described as a "dump"). Stop the protection for his globe trotting adult children as they conduct business for their empire. Take away the pomp & ceremony that is the thing he loves most. Just make him not want to be there but let him leave as a 'winner' (in his own mind).

I'm with you TF. The real problem is inability of the American populace to deal with reality. That's the scary part.

His hair and spray tan are "bozo: like, but I do not believe he is an idiot. His tweets are unsophisticated. The scary part may be that he speaks unfiltered and that may disturb the enlightened .

The Fat

Referees in Australia
Jul 15, 2010
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I don't know why this bloke gets under my skin so much. Telling Puerto Rico that they are responsible for putting pressure on the US budget after this looney costs his country many millions of dollars so that he can eat steak and have his Security Council and other meetings at his f@$&ing golf club or tossing paper towels to Puerto Ricans like he's throwing MAGA caps at a rally and smiling like an idiot while doing it. This guy is such an embarrassment to the US
Such a f@$&ing W.A.N.K.E.R.!

I feel a little better now

Not Kurt Weaver

Referees in America
Sep 11, 2008
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I don't know why this bloke gets under my skin so much.

Because you need him. Because OZ is an ally. Because OZ os in range of N. Korea. Because he has a fulll head of orange hair. Because you are bald. Because he has a wife six foot tall. Because she is 25 yrs younger than him.

The Fat

Referees in Australia
Jul 15, 2010
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F@$&! 5 out of 7
I now feel even more desperate and despondent ��

Dickie E

Referees in Australia
Jan 19, 2007
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F@$&! 5 out of 7
I now feel even more desperate and despondent ��

and it could so easily have been 7 of 9 which is a much more cheery scenario



Referees in New Zealand
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Jul 12, 2005
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....Because OZ os in range of N. Korea..

The problem with this is that there is a megalomaniac fat buffoon with a bad haircut who has his finger on the nuclear button.

Meanwhile, in North Korea, they've got Kim Jong Un..
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